Thursday, April 17, 2008

Final blog

Throughout this past semester I have learned so much about myself. Through my practicum I have been working weekly with a small group of girls who I have really grown close with and I am not looking forward to leaving. They have shared so openly with me and have gotten me to remember what junior high was like. My co-leader and I have really bonded well in these past few months; I believe that she has become a friend of mine. Through some books I have been reading I have come to the realization that God has set me apart all of my life and I need to be rejoicing in that. God has made me so that I do not necessarily need a large group of friends. It has become evident to me that friends come in all sorts of ways, and I love that. 
This past week, as I said in my last blog, I gave my testimony, and although I was nervous I think it went really well. I strongly believe that through giving your own story you open up doors for others to share their own stories, and I am excited to see what my willingness to share will lead others to do. 
Professionally through this practicum I have learned that organization is key. By keeping my life organized I have been able to give my advisor time to get done my evaluations and set up meeting times. I have also learned that God has gifted me in ways that will help me in youth ministry and I can rely on that. As I looked at my past blogs I realized that a lot of the time I may have been overwhelmed, not wanting to drive, or just plain negative on my way to youth group, but once I got there my whole attitude would change. I am strengthened through helping teens and I am encouraged when I see progress, and I think that that is a good sign. 
I have mentioned this before, but it just keeps proving to be true, and that is that although ministry is about teaching, it is even more so about learning. God has shown me that I do struggle with praying, but I believe that I can overcome that, and be better because of my struggles.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Week 10

This week youth group was back in session. I went to Sunday school and found out Aaron's family was all sick so he couldn't make it, so I was asked if I wanted to give my testimony. So, this Sunday I gave my testimony to the group. I was a little nervous because I made it pretty personal and I wasn't sure how I would emotionally react while reading it. The group listened really well and focused on what I had to say. Alot of the group was not there because many of the eighth graders had just gotten back from their Washington DC trip. I was hoping everyone would be there to hear my testimony, but I realize that God knew who would be there that night, and planned it accordingly. I felt really old giving my testimony, it was weird because I remember sitting where they were and hearing people tell us their testimonies. I was surprised at how peaceful I was, but I really feel like God gives me a confidence when dealing with kids and teens. 

Week 9

Okay so youth group was once again canceled last week...but this time I called to find out ahead of time! I was kind of discouraged by it because this means I will only have two weeks left at the youth group and with my small group. I know I will really miss the girls, hopefully we can all have a sleep over sometime this summer. I just hope we don't lose everything that has been gained. I feel like the girls really trust me and I hope that I don't lose that by not being there this summer. I will keep up with them through email, but it's just not quite the same. I am really ready for school to be done and go home and hopefully work at a camp this summer, but I will miss all my new friends so much. It's a bitter sweet. I have a feeling this summer is going to be a big deal, so I am excited. I know that I am ready to grow as much as I can and become more on fire for God.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Week 8

I know I haven't posted in a while, but I guess it is because the youth group has been canceled a lot. I was supposed to give my testimony a couple of weeks ago (Aaron wasn't going to be there), but the worship band couldn't make it, and their were other conflicts for the leaders that night, so it was canceled. Then on Easter Sunday there was not youth group either.  This past Sunday I was pretty excited to get back with the group and my small group and I drove there only to come to a locked is the students spring break this week and I guess they decided to cancel youth group because no one was going to come. I am really hoping everything works out okay next week because I really want to get back to the youth group. 

Week 7

On the Friday of Fusion I signed up to help at the necklace making site. I was pretty excited to be involved, but when I got there none of the students showed up... they were all in the gym socializing. I can't wait for for the next Fusion's that I will be here for at IWU, and hopefully I can be more and more involved as I get further and further into the youth ministry program.  I housed some high schoolers for a visitation day this past week and it was pretty cool to see how excited they were to move to the next stage in there life. I can't believe this year is coming to a close so seems like I have just arrived here and I know it will it get faster. I am getting excited about my future and also nervous, but I think nerves are a good thing, they make you more real.